Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Wolfs Blood di Misfits contenuta nell'album Ballroom Bloodbath (Live 1983). “Wolfs Blood” è una canzone di Misfits. Wolfs Blood Lyrics.
TESTO - Misfits - Wolfs Blood
TESTO - Misfits - Wolfs Blood
You don't know what I fucking am
What I become
Not when I get like this
You will never get me down in my head
It's my blood, it pumps right fucking in my veins
And I feel my vertebrae extending
And I feel my heart expand
And I feel my muscles rip
And I feel my snout extend
Then I know I'm not a man
And I go right out of my head
My blood, it swarms right fucking in my veins
I feel it like it's boiling through my face, red
And I feel my heart expand
And I feel my muscles rip
And I feel my snout extend
Then I know I'm not a man
You don't know what I fucking am
What I become
You will never get me down
Not when I get like this in my head
It's my blood, it swarms right fucking in my veins
Oh, hey
Know why you're dead?