DJ Quik

We Still Party

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di We Still Party di DJ Quik contenuta nell'album Rhythm-Al-Ism. “We Still Party” è una canzone di DJ Quik. We Still Party Lyrics.

TESTO - DJ Quik - We Still Party


TESTO - DJ Quik - We Still Party

Ain't no puzzle y'all, we, uh
Groovin off the spirituality, and it feels good
I got somethin to say though

It's time for somebody to take over the West Coast power with fly style, and I'm the one

Been here for years, check your files

Cause I'm the kinda nigga with a strong desire
To nut up, light a torch, and set the world on fire!
See me bouncin' in my '
Doin' donuts in the middle of Reseda with Rosarita

Tryna find some place to eat her
Cause I'm freaky with a capital F
I'll beat up your little pocket pita 'til there ain't nothing left
I'm nasty
See, we gets better when you think we hot
And we got more cheddar than they think we got
You see we make the kinda money that when we withdraw
They notify the feds 'cause it's too much y'all

What you call a stash, we call it petty cash
Spend five or six figures a month. ain't left a gash
Party all night and we sleep all day
Drink Corona X for breakfast then we ready to play
I still like 'em green eyed, big ol' titties and thighs
Big ol' nigga, little heart, and I'm big at the thighs
So shoot your game, baby girl, don't be scared to take a pet
You never know, it just might get wet

We still party, we gets high
Sometimes we don't feel grown-up and that's no lie
So we party, until we die
Cause life is much too short for you to not be fly

Now whether or not I be drunk off a gallon of Moet
I can still make the beats stink like some salmon croquette

Go to the hood and get all the kids that I can fit
In a limo, take 'em to the store and buy 'em some shit
Give 'em a demo of my new shit 'cause it's the shit
And let 'em know that they the shit
And they can make hits 'cause it ain't shit
I gotta keep the cycle goin'
Baby doll, whichever way the wind be blowin', I'm goin'
Flyer than a motherfucker, Mr. Dante
C'mon, B, back me up each and every day
Whether it's hot, whether it's cold
Whether it's soft, whether it's bold
Whether it's new, whether it's old
Whether it's GOLD, platinum, I stack 'em
Dante, baby doll, we be fly
Freestylin' like a motherfucker, don't ask why
Cause this ain't Budweiser—"BUD", "WEIS", "ER"
"Did you see the, thighs on her?"
We nastier than a motherfucker, baby doll
Can I freak your shit, and, break your sugar wall down?
To the compound, uh huh
The elements, feel my elephant, haha

We still party, we gets high
Sometimes we don't feel grown-up and that's no lie
So we party, until we die
Cause life is much too short for you to not be fly

Now did y'all feel that?
See, ain't nothing but God mackin' goin' on right now, see?
The game is to be told and not sold dependin' on which game it is
And we gon' keep it way real, you know?
Cause it ain't no doubt in nobody's mind that I'm a very blessed individual, man
If we don't turn it around and give it back then we can't go forward, do you feel me?
So that's what we do every time we get on this microphone
We let 'em know that we might be street rappers
But we are very much anointed, and we got somethin' to say
So if you feel me like we feelin' y'all, get yo' ass up on the ball
Time to take this shit back, all of it
Cause it was ours to begin with
Don't sleep, baby; don't sleep, homey
Now when the hook come back again... (That's what's happenin')

We still party, we gets high
Sometimes we don't feel grown-up and that's no lie
So we party, until we die
Cause life is much too short for you to not be fly

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