Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Warrior in Woolworths di X-Ray Spex contenuta nell'album Live @ The Roundhouse London 2008. “Warrior in Woolworths” è una canzone di X-Ray Spex. Warrior in Woolworths Lyrics.

TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Warrior in Woolworths


TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Warrior in Woolworths

Warrior in Woolworth's
Humble he may seem
Behind his serville innocence
He plots and he schemes

He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
Warrior, warrior, warri-, warrior

Warrior in Woolworth's
His roots are in today
Doesn't know no history
He threw the past away

He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
Warrior, warrior, warri-, warrior

He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
Warrior, warrior, warri-, warrior

Warrior in Woolworth's
Dips on Friday nights
Youths meet at Stockwell tube
Weapons rule their lives

He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
Warrior, warrior, warri-, warrior

He's the rebel on the underground
She's the rebel of the modern town
Warrior, warrior, warri-, warrior
Warrior, warrior, warri-, warrior
Warrior, warrior, warri-, warrior


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