Trance - 2Scratch - Testo | Testi e Traduzioni



Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Trance di 2Scratch contenuta nell'album Trance. “Trance” è una canzone di 2Scratch. Trance Lyrics.

TESTO - 2Scratch - Trance


TESTO - 2Scratch - Trance

I got in a trance when you become a lie
She went down ahead, I'm fly, yea way too high
Put me on my head, cuz I, be dead inside
Yeah, yeah (eh)

I got in a trance when you become a lie
I got some insane and now you wonder why?
She went down ahead, I'm fly, yea way too high
Put me on my head, cuz I, be dead inside

I got in a trance when you become a lie
I got some insane and now you wonder why?
She went down ahead, I'm fly, yea way too high
Put me on my head, cuz I, be dead inside
I got in a trance

Open the plug
Move in the spot
Back to the top
Falling in love
All in my heart
All cause I'm fucked
Feel like a job
But throw it up
Wanna come back to myself and I don't see that dark place again
I keep it push up on my path and it's trying to distract
We way too high up in this patch, wonder when we comeback
She up for bad, I need you but trying to keep me in track
Money got me tryna gossip comrades
Tricked 'em in the past
Meet me in a transaction and then like (yeah)

Wanna go down low the soul
To see me a portion of your heart
Just like down, down (ooh)
All of that slow motion (ahh)
I been in a slow way after hoes
Looking for horror in your eyes
Shawty wanna know what it be for
For your heart

I got in a trance when you become a lie
I got some insane and now you wonder why?
She went down ahead, I'm fly, yea way too high
Put me on my head, cuz I, be dead inside

I got in a trance when you become a lie
I got some insane and now you wonder why?
She went down ahead, I'm fly, yea way too high
Put me on my head, cuz I, be dead inside
I got in a trance

2Scratch taking back yo!

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