Reba McEntire

The Last One to Know

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di The Last One to Know di Reba McEntire contenuta nell'album Not That Fancy. “The Last One to Know” è una canzone di Reba McEntire. The Last One to Know Lyrics.

TESTO - Reba McEntire - The Last One to Know


TESTO - Reba McEntire - The Last One to Know

I didn't see the fire burn to ashes
Couldn't feel the winds of change
I was lost inside the passion
Blinded by a memory of a flame
Guess I should have felt it when you touched me
Should have seen it in your eyes
I believed you really loved me
Why can't I believe you said goodbye

Why is the last one to know
The first one to cry and the last to let go
Why is the one left behind the one left alone
With no one to hold
The last one to know

Now it would be easier to face the morning
If you were holding me tonight
But you left me without a warning
Holding on to a heartache while she's holding you tight

Why is the last one to know
The first one to cry and the last to let go
Why is the one left behind the one left alone
With no one to hold
The last one to know

Vai alla Traduzione


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