The Kinks

The Last Assembly

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di The Last Assembly di The Kinks contenuta nell'album Schoolboys in Disgrace. “The Last Assembly” è una canzone di The Kinks. The Last Assembly Lyrics.

TESTO - The Kinks - The Last Assembly


TESTO - The Kinks - The Last Assembly

As I walked to the last assembly
There were tears in the back of my eyes
And I saw all my friends all around me
They were there to wish me goodbye

As I stood in a line with my comrades
I felt such a feeling of pride
And I forgot all the grief and the hatred inside
As we sang for the very last time

Gather round, gather round
Everybody gather round
Come and join our last assembly
Let us smile, wipe away all the frowns

Gather round, gather round
Everybody gather round
As we stood at the last assembly
All my friends came to wish me goodbye

Gather round (gather round)
Gather round (gather round)
Everybody gather round
As I stand at the last assembly
I just can't keep the tears from my eyes

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