Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di The Caliphate di Earl Sweatshirt e Vince Staples The Alchemist contenuta nell'album VOIR DIRE (Streaming Version). “The Caliphate” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. The Caliphate Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - The Caliphate


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - The Caliphate

It gave me no release to hope for peace, we postal now

Over East, corroded sheet metal, my toe just found

He let it go, brodie left the heat on the coldest ground

To wrap around the wound unwound

I poured the bruise blood into the sound (And let some of the bruise blood come out)

Stole the crown, grew out of poster child
Serve a few once I stir the stew on the stove around

If you hit the county, you better hold it down

Grab the bounty, left him on Downey, screamin' on the ground

Cup runnin' over, son of Ramona, her poster child

The coast is clear, they wanna act La Cosa Nostra now
When we was there, they toned it down, how I'm supposed to smile?

When cheese attract the rats, police attachin' facts
They ain't PC, they just trustees, I had to laugh at that
We never talk, just B-boy pose, parolin' back to back

Soon as I clap, they scat, I been with all that jazz

I throw the pill like Uncle Phil
, revolver hold Mc

They tryna hold me back

Holyfield when I go to him, talk
Ayy, bro, you know I'm not involved
We eagles on attack, big dog
Talons full of snacks
, I couldn't kiss away my last
Gave all I had
I gave the mistletoe a tag
I know his clique'll crash, my bro gon' rinse his filthy hands
Show 'em what you got and I can't promise he won't pilfer that

Slow your roll, I promise you not built for that
Little man, I'm eatin', I don't fast

Shady business in the black

Please observe the gone and dead
Tell 'em save a spot for them
The kid lost his collar then

Death be scraped up off all the chips
And left a trail of frowning faces and shakin' powdered wigs

Tell 'em blame it on my wrist, it's steady as a scalpel's

Tell 'em I'ma face a thousand spliffs
The test of faith, I passed the quiz
With flyin' colors, then rubbed the vase, I had a wish
Magic man, find the funds to allocate and I'll appear
Takin' numbers

Death parade around, it's grim, but he ain't take me under

Trauma from the thickest, niggas made it out of jams
In the mix, stay at attention

We global
Gallivantin', gloatin'
Back to back with croski

Fuck 'em and they parents and the
parasites they hostin'

You know you know me
Glock 32, I shoot like both the Kobes
Pop it when I'm lonely

At the seams, throwin' twenties on her back like she Ginóbili

You fuckin' on the homies


Actually, what, what is the message you want to give, to transmit to the public, to your listeners?
Well, I always feel that even though one is an artist
That we are first human beings and we live in the same world as any other person
So that we as artists should never close our eyes to what is happening around us
And the songs that I sing are just about my everyday life
And, uh, the things I say are those things that have affected my life

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