The Best - AWOLNATION - Testo | Testi e Traduzioni

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di The Best di AWOLNATION contenuta nell'album Angel Miners & The Lightning Riders. “The Best” è una canzone di AWOLNATION. The Best Lyrics.




I just wanna be the best
I just wanna be the best
I just wanna be the best

I'm hardly perfect
I'm barely good
Just shy of greatness, ah-ah
I'm heavy metal
And hollow wood
Just shy of patience, ah-ah

Me, I want to walk a little bit taller, oh
Me, I want to feel a little bit stronger, oh
Me, I want to think a little bit smarter
Said, "I just want to be the best"
Me, I want to walk a little bit taller, oh
Me, I want to feel a little bit stronger, oh
Me, I want to think a little bit smarter
Said, "I just want to be the best"

I just wanna be the best
I just wanna be the best

Oh, doctor, doctor
I have no clue
Of modern beauty, ah-ah
So fix my face up
With diet glue
And science fiction, ah-ah

Me, I want to walk a little bit taller, oh
Me, I want to feel a little bit stronger, oh
Me, I want to think a little bit smarter
Said, "I just want to be the best"
Me, I want to walk a little bit taller, oh
Me, I want to feel a little bit stronger, oh
Me, I want to think a little bit smarter
Said, "I just want to be the best"

I just wanna be the best
I just wanna be the best

Me, I want to walk a little bit taller, oh
Me, I want to feel a little bit stronger, oh
Me, I want to think a little bit smarter
Said, "I just want to be the best"
Me, I want to walk a little bit taller, oh
Me, I want to feel a little bit stronger, oh
Me, I want to think a little bit smarter
Said, "I just want to be the best"

I just wanna be the best
I just wanna be the best
I just wanna be the best
I just wanna be the best


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