Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Tenderness di Steppenwolf contenuta nell'album For Ladies Only. “Tenderness” è una canzone di Steppenwolf. Tenderness Lyrics.

TESTO - Steppenwolf - Tenderness


TESTO - Steppenwolf - Tenderness

She tried to show me how to love
I bit her lip and bruised her arms
No I hadn't learned Tenderness

She asked, "what does love mean to you?"
I grabbed her hair and pulled her down
I looked in her eyes and I laughed

The love I feel is hard and fast
It's for a face and for one night
I don't need to own anyone

She said; she said all your women burn in your flame
But as it dies, as it dies, they'll leave you and seek revenge

She laughed and said "You'll go thru hell
You'll live in lonely rooms unknown
And watch for my lost Tenderness"
I went from her to someone else and someone else
No, I couldn't be satisfied

She said; she said all your women burn in your flame
And as it dies, as it dies, they'll leave you and seek revenge

I wish that I could find her now
My love is soft, my love is warm
I'd take her to bed tenderly
Oh yes I'd take her to bed tenderly

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