Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Ten Percenter di Frank Black contenuta nell'album Frank Black. “Ten Percenter” è una canzone di Frank Black. Ten Percenter Lyrics.
TESTO - Frank Black - Ten Percenter
TESTO - Frank Black - Ten Percenter
Oh, that's nice
I'm just another ten percenter
My mind is like an ocean
My mind is like an ocean
I'm hanging in the harbor
I'm just drifting letting out the line
I'm letting out the drifting line
I'm trying to be a guy
Who's hailing from Ann Arbor
Making jerk
And its good
Getting perk
Yeah, I would
I'm a jerk
If you're getting cotton mouth
You better have some water
Sucking syrup and soda
You're gonna just get hotter
But if you want to wile awhile
But if you want to wile awhile
Oh suck a syrup and soda
Oh dance, oh sons and daughters
Making jerk
And it's good
Getting perk
Yeah, I would
Making jerk
And it's good
Getting perk
Yeah, I would
I'm a jerk
If you got cotton mouth
My mind is like an ocean
My mind is like an ocean
My mind is like an ocean
I'm a jerk
Making jerk
Soda jerk
And it's good
Rock on