Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Temperamental di Everything but the Girl contenuta nell'album Temperamental (Deluxe Edition). “Temperamental” è una canzone di Everything but the Girl. Temperamental Lyrics.

TESTO - Everything but the Girl - Temperamental


TESTO - Everything but the Girl - Temperamental

This temperamental side
The one you say that you can't hide
D' you ever see yourself
The way it looks to someone else?
This temperamental trick
The one you say you can't predict
You're like an empty cup
Forgive me if I don't wait up

I don't get where you're coming from
What is real and what's put on
What has stayed and what has gone
How long will this thing go on and on?

I don't want you to love me
I don't want you to love me

You're like an empty cup
But I can't fill you up
What planet are you on?
Not the same one I am from
Do I just waste my time?
You pour your heart on mine
You say it screws you up

Forgive me if I don't wait up
I don't get what you're trying to say
What is wrong and what's okay
You beat yourself up one more time
You trample on this fierce heart of mine

I don't want you to love me
I don't want you to love me

I don't know what you want from me
All this endless sympathy
You beat yourself up one more time
You trample on this fierce heart of mine

I don't want you to love me
I don't want you to love me

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