Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Stormchild di Night in Gales contenuta nell'album Thunderbeast. “Stormchild” è una canzone di Night in Gales. Stormchild Lyrics.

TESTO - Night in Gales - Stormchild


TESTO - Night in Gales - Stormchild

King of worms
Caller of the crystalstorms
Shadowfaced armourer
Father of mine
Forging trumpets to lances
Yet spears to horns...

Stormchild !
Eat my fevermind !!

Speeding through a bloodwrathsky
With the stormchild aside
Conquering obsidian nights
With the stormchild aside

Liquid galaxies
And shattered suns i breathe
With marblethroat and firelungs
As a chronicler of the equinox

Yet, when the armourer sapke to me
"it is my steelclwas that you breathe!"
A million painbrideblades rose
To be the stormchild's meadowsweet
So the furyhorde quenches its thirst with chaosthorns
With whirlwindwords from tempesttongues born
Stormchild !
Eat my fevermind !

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