Fats Domino

Something’s Wrong

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Something’s Wrong di Fats Domino . “Something’s Wrong” è una canzone di Fats Domino. Something’s Wrong Lyrics.

TESTO - Fats Domino - Something’s Wrong


TESTO - Fats Domino - Something’s Wrong

I had it all planned just for you
But you broke my plans in two
What can I do
When something's wrong with you?

I had my heart in your hand
You broke my heart, it's a shame
What can I do
When something's wrong with you?

Is this the way it had to be?
Why such bad luck for old me?
What can I say? What can I do
When something's wrong with you?

I had my heart in your hand
You broke my heart, ain't that a shame?
What can I do
When something's wrong with you?

Is this the way it had to be?
Why such bad luck for old me?
What can I say? What can I do
When something's wrong with you?

I had it all planned just for you
You broke my plans in two
What can I do
When something's wrong with you?

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