Dr. Dre ft. Mel-Man

Sh**tin’ on the World

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Sh**tin’ on the World di Dr. Dre e Mel-Man . “Sh**tin’ on the World” è una canzone di Dr. Dre. Sh**tin’ on the World Lyrics.

TESTO - Dr. Dre - Sh**tin’ on the World


TESTO - Dr. Dre - Sh**tin’ on the World

Lady: We now welcome seven to the stage. I recommend you SHUT UP! thank you. I'm a hypocrite so make as much noise as you want

(verse 1)
Hello everyone its your rhyming workaholic
(alcoholic!) shut up marry popins you dont even know the topic
You can't call it, but guess what crowd im back
And this time in not pissed and mad, im glad
Now that I know there's fire on Ares's a**
He just bursts in the door
And rushes to get thrown on the floor worse then before
Angry spectator: "snore, were all bored, get a new choice
Just stop with that rhyming noise
I swear im gonna go into a void if i have to hear your voice
You idiots don't deserve to be with the rap boys"
Im annoying to listen to maybe for some of you
I'll admit that im on the radio and you loose your cool
And one of my movies is always showing
"63 Miles" refrences are repeated everywhere your going
And it pisses you off that im just growing
And killing the mic while your just moping
Eating cheerios outta your pocket staring at you locket
Wondering "holy crap when will he stop it"
And saying gee-whiz and sh*t in front of your kids
Than you expect them to get an A plus on the quiz
It ain't happening, your like an addicting sneeze
Your expectations are impossible to please
You said getting me famous was impossible
Look i drew a line, now its I'm-possible
But try if someone say's your improbable
Dont know how that's gonna work store clerk
I gotta do this before the world catered by a gay nurse
Who does drugs in her purse and hates birds
Tweet, tweet took along time to destroy twitter
Now some new bill will make a new filter
But before you go on with a lecture and bore us
Gotta save all these people with a screw this chorus
Cause its just me, turn on MTV
And grieve, i won't leave dont need a lead
Better get your mood right if you wanna get moonlight
When it feels like grabbing the mic with spotlight
Cause its just me, turn on MTV
And grieve, i won't leave don't need a lead
Better get your mood right if you wanna get in the moonlight
When it feels like grabbing the mic with spotlight

(verse 2)
Dont mean to brag but i was the best in class
When it came to rap, most lyrical and fast
Rapped to my friends foe twenty minutes no lag
Every time i go to the mic my lungs be like "oh crap"
"i don't like this" the critics say out loud
We got more hearing than you Oscar A grouch
Chill on the couch until you find someone else
That can make you get schocked screaming for help
And no i don't like boy bands
Interviewer: but wasn't criss cross one?"
No! it wasn't near Limp Bizkit dumb
Interviewer:" hy do you have a problem, isnt it wierd
How you hate a lot of people you don't know this year"
No why the heck am i even here
To get me to sit next to celebrities who eat their beard
"life's not always fair" i dont give a damn, switch my chair!
Im tired of watching Jackson and Ares throwing Etta in the air
I need to get back on stage, i need to be free
Screw sitting in this hogs nest, ima break this seat
I'll pay for it, here have fifty three
Million? hundred Sean, stop trying to be a cheat
Get a life outta this place, read a book
Look now, Jackson and Ares are after Brooke
Cause its just me, turn on MTV
And grieve, i won't leave dont need a lead
You better get your mood right if you wanna get in the moonlight
When it feels like grabbing the mic with spotlight
Cause its just me, tun on MTV
And grieve, i won't leave don't need a lead
Better get your mood right if you wanna get some moonlight
When it feels like grabbing the mic with spotlight

(verse 3)
They say the sauce yeah tell that to your boss
Like Megan going out with Quinn, Ethan, and Dallas (and Ares?)
You can't get rid of me, im always working
Could be anywhere just lurking
Writing s dong while working at dairy queen
Putting whipped cream into your smoothie
And people see me from on TV
Give me a bad look so i put some extra cheese
In they're drink with a little more extra breeze
Sip this sh*t now Mad-Eye-Moodie
Driving in their car and they take a sip
EEW! drive off of the cliff
But it's night and people are watching the solar eclipse
And you look like a stick with bugs on your d**k
"what did you call me you bastardly slop"
Im also a cop, where's my crazy hound dog
I just can't seem to quit or walk away
This rap game is in craze like the hunger games
From Dr. Dre all the way to Drake
Hand it to Eminem and then i awake
And people laugh HA-Ha place your bets
Two months later you piss your pants seeing me on set
So dont give up if your laughed at, be proud of who you are
And im just me, trashing you car
Cause its just me, turn on MTV
And grieve, won't leave dont need a lead
Better get your mood right if you wanna get some moonlight
When it feels like grabbing the mic with spotlight

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