Ransom ft. Lloyd Banks

Short Notice

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Short Notice di Ransom e Lloyd Banks contenuta nell'album Chaos Is My Ladder. “Short Notice” è una canzone di Ransom. Short Notice Lyrics.

TESTO - Ransom - Short Notice


TESTO - Ransom - Short Notice

Niggas often hate when it's suitable (Yeah)
You gotta watch for those who'll offer to pay for funerals (Uh-huh)
They probably had your son in a basement, torturing Jason by forcing blades in his cuticles
You knew it too (Yeah)
But know if they cross the grain, you could do it too
Coffins laid out for you and you
What's deceitful to me could be true to you (Facts)
You only get credit soon as the movie's through
Take that money that's due to you (Yes, sir)
Cause I been gettin' paper since P was screamin' out, "Hootie hoo"
Now who is you?
Irrelevant, gentleman, I know it's news to you, but
If you always holdin' 'em down, then how they gon' move up? (How?)
Yeah, I know that the truth sucks
But I'm just giving you proof, what?
It'll be your friend you catch in his boxers inside your wifey's crib eatin' your baby's fruit cups
I'm a straight shooter, no fake maneuvers, you know that
So how y'all spelling GOAT to the wrong nigga to go at? (Ah)
Yeah, every song is bringin' that soul back
So when you hear lines like Le
Bron, shit is a throwback

It's time we even the score (Let's go)
But if we both shootin', no way we leave in a draw
This game, we sweep 'em in four
You gotta judge your team on how they leavin' the court
Heads high
It's no Biggie like homie from Bed-Stuy
Nah, we don't need your support 'cause my niggas gon' get by (Gon' get by)
It's real when you lackin' a friend to call (Who you gon' call?)
No way we gon' lay down and just die (Never)
How it feel when your back is against the wall?

Checked in this game with passion, black entrance, Mercedes backin'
Windows black when we get close enough to you refrain from clashin'
Throw the proof (pattern ??), for the event you suffered delayed reaction
Shit flipped and you're thrivin', fuck you gon' do when we change it back then?
Trip fully, you're fever fashion, what's your deal? Just askin'
It's time to negotiate, gotta keep my pitch higher than baby Jackson, nigga
There's life lessons that only time'll teach us
God keep me from around these leeches
Still superstitious, hear niggas die in sequence
Clown or familiar, won't disguise your features
Sometimes our eyes deceive us
All my shine to Jesus for the nonbelievers
Here's to new heroin
It'll substitute internet fame, cruel medicine
Who better sent? Address me with homage and proper etiquette
Haters irrelevant
Probably wishin' I go to hell, assumin' I never went
My success'll punish the negligent
Look how I represent
Gotta clean up the mess and bury the evidence
Found my niche and executed ever since

It's time we even the score (Let's go)
But if we both shootin', no way we leave in a draw
This game, we sweep 'em in four
You gotta judge your team on how they leavin' the court
Heads high
It's no biggie like homie from Bed-Stuy
Nah, we don't need your support 'cause my niggas gon' get by (Gon' get by)
It's real when you lackin' a friend to call (Who you gon' call?)
No way we gon' lay down and just die (Never)
How it feel when your back is against the wall?

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