Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Radical (Remix) di AWOLNATION e Grouplove contenuta nell'album Radical (Remix) (feat. Grouplove). “Radical (Remix)” è una canzone di AWOLNATION. Radical (Remix) Lyrics.

TESTO - AWOLNATION - Radical (Remix)


TESTO - AWOLNATION - Radical (Remix)


No, not gonna lie 'cause I'm killin' your vibe, I'm a radical
And I'm not gonna die on the 405, I'm a radical

Ooh, na-na, na-na, help me sing
Ooh, na-na, na-na, help me sing
Ooh, na-na, na-na, help me (Help me, help me)

I'm not a rebel or a king
Not sure they've got a name for me
Since we all die eventually
Tonight, I'm a radical
I'm not a rebel or a king
Not sure they've got a name for me
Since we all die eventually
Tonight, I'm a radical

Me, I'm gonna live my life like a fantasy
But the story I write with the twists and the turns will end in catastrophe

Ooh, na-na, na-na, help me sing
Ooh, na-na, na-na, help me sing
Ooh, na-na, na-na, help me (Help me, help me)

I'm not a rebel or a king
Not sure they've got a name for me
Since we all die eventually
Tonight, I'm a radical
I'm not a rebel or a king
Not sure they've got a name for me
Since we all die eventually
Tonight, I'm a radical

Ooh-ooh, I
Ooh-ooh, I
Everyone you know, know will let you down
Everyone you know, know will let you down

I'm not a rebel or a king
Not sure they've got a name for me
Since we all die eventually
Tonight, I'm a radical
I'm not a rebel or a king
Not sure they've got a name for me
Since we all die eventually

Radical, radical, radical, radical, radical, radical
Radical, radical, radical, radical, radical, radical
Radical, radical, radical, radical, radical, radical
Radical, radical, radical, radical, radical, radical

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