Polar - 2Scratch ft. J Swey - Testo | Testi e Traduzioni

2Scratch ft. J Swey


Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Polar di 2Scratch e J Swey contenuta nell'album Escape Plan. “Polar” è una canzone di 2Scratch. Polar Lyrics.

TESTO - 2Scratch - Polar


TESTO - 2Scratch - Polar

Goodnight Polar
I'm the black light
Let it die Polar
Need it in my mind
Get it right, don't no
Yeah I think I need to
Get a nine by my side
Nine by my side

Goodnight Polar
I'm the black light
Let it die Polar
Need it in my mind
Get it right, don't no
Yeah I think I need to
Get a nine by my side
Nine by my side

I got coke in that motherfucking ice on
Yeah that money is where I got my eyes on
Call me RB where I put the vibe on
When I set this up clearly with my set on
Yeah I notice but my polar is get it on
Shawty reaped, She's on the fuck
She hit me up next slide never call her wrong
I got the kills bitch power niggers fuck what you want
I got baguettes
I got the cheques
I get the receipts
We had to take
We about to eat
We can't receive, no
That nigga was cold
My nigga was wrong
But that motherfucker ignore
Bitch I'm bad polar super solid

Goodnight Polar
I'm the black light
Let it die Polar
Need it in my mind
Get it right, don't no
Yeah I think I need to
Get a nine by my side
Nine by my side

Goodnight Polar
I'm the black light
Let it die Polar
Need it in my mind
Get it right, don't no
Yeah I think I need to
Get a nine by my side
Nine by my side

Bitch I'm bad polar super solid
Call it agree I was smoking
I Got covid niggers found me over
Bitch I vibe polar super solid

I told that bitch to come here and make her out to push wrong
This should slap on a cold night
Bitch you don't
Bitch I got asked kill her crack the code
Used her to loud they called the cops
Bitch I'm bad polar super solid
Bitch I'm bad polar super solid
Call it agree I was smoking
I Got covid niggers found me over
Bitch I vibe polar super solid

Goodnight Polar
I'm the black light
Let it die Polar
Need it in my mind
Get it right, don't no
Yeah I think I need to
Get a nine by my side
Nine by my side

Goodnight Polar
I'm the black light
Let it die Polar
Need it in my mind
Get it right, don't no
Yeah I think I need to
Get a nine by my side
Nine by my side

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