Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Peace Meal di X-Ray Spex contenuta nell'album Germ Free Adolescents: The Anthology. “Peace Meal” è una canzone di X-Ray Spex. Peace Meal Lyrics.

TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Peace Meal


TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Peace Meal

Not much difference 'tween a cow and you
Flesh, blood, bones
She cries like you do
Cries like you do
Yours is the hippest hypocritical point of view
Wake up and realise the things that you do
You're busy whipping Hitler cos he gassed so many Jews
You're as guilty of murder - look at what you chew
Everybody's worried 'bout a Third World War
Nuclear annihilation, need I say more?
While you're feasting at the peace meeting
Feasting at the peace meeting
Wake up!
Flesh, blood, bones
Peace on earth and goodwill to all men
The lower species we will condemn
While we're feasting at the peace meeting
Feasting at the peace meeting
She cries like you do
Cries like you do
She cries like you do
She cries like you do oo oo oo !!

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