Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Outlaws di Alessia Cara contenuta nell'album Know-It-All (Deluxe). “Outlaws” è una canzone di Alessia Cara. Outlaws Lyrics.

TESTO - Alessia Cara - Outlaws


TESTO - Alessia Cara - Outlaws

Run, run like the devil's behind us
Run to where no one can find us
Be my accomplice to my crime
Oh, baby
Run, run 'cause we're guilty as sin
Run 'cause we know we won't win
We know together we kill time

You'll never face a judge without me
You'll never battle the gavel alone
And if they lock us away, then I'll be still here
Proudly waiting to kill more time, with you

We'll be outlaws
We'll take on the world
We'll be outlaws

Run, run like you never did
Cause they found the evidence
And they found your fingerprints all on me
And, baby, run, run like your life depends on it

Let's make forever in this moment
Tell me you love me again, oh again

And I would waste away without you
You're the shinin' to my star
I'd be searchin' 'til I found you
Wherever you are, you are

We'll be outlaws
Partners in crime
We'll take on the world together
I'm Bonnie you can be Clyde
We'll be outlaws
You and me
They'll never understand the honor
Among these thieves
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

You'll never face a judge without me
You'll never battle the gavel alone
And if they lock us away, then I'll be still here
Proudly waiting to kill more time

With you
Oh, with you
With you
Oh, with you, oh-oh-ah

We'll be outlaws
Partners in crime
We'd take on the world together
I'm Bonnie you can be Clyde
We'll be outlaws
You and me
They'll never understand the honor
Among these thieves
We'll be outlaws

Vai alla Traduzione


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