Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Only a Broken Heart di Tom Petty contenuta nell'album Wildflowers & All The Rest (Deluxe Edition). “Only a Broken Heart” è una canzone di Tom Petty. Only a Broken Heart Lyrics.

TESTO - Tom Petty - Only a Broken Heart


TESTO - Tom Petty - Only a Broken Heart

Here comes that feeling
I've seen in your eyes
Back in the old days
Before the hard times

But I'm not afraid anymore
It's only a broken heart

I know the place where
You keep your secrets
Out of the sunshine
Down in a valley

But I'm not afraid anymore
It's only a broken heart

What would I give
To start all over again?
To clean up my mistakes?

Stand in the moonlight
Stand under heaven
Wait for an answer
Hold out forever

But don't be afraid anymore
It's only a broken heart

What would I give
To start all over again?
To clean up my mistakes?

I know your weakness
You've seen my dark side
The end of the rainbow
Is always a long ride

But don't be afraid anymore
It's only a broken heart
It's only a broken heart

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