Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Obsessed with You di X-Ray Spex contenuta nell'album Germ Free Adolescents: The Anthology. “Obsessed with You” è una canzone di X-Ray Spex. Obsessed with You Lyrics.

TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Obsessed with You


TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Obsessed with You

You are just a concept
You are just a dream
You're just a reflection
Of the new regime

You are just a symbol
You are just a theme
You're just another figure
For the sales machine

Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo cos they're watching
Yoo ooo

You are just a victim
You are just a find
Soon to be a casuality
A casuality of time
You are just a concept
You are just a dream
You're just a reflection
Of the new regime

Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo cos they're watching
Yoo ooo

Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo cos they're watching
Yoo ooo

You are just a victim
You are just a find
Soon to be a casuality
A casuality of time
You are just a symbol
You are just a theme
You're just another figure
For the sales machine

Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo cos they're watching
Yoo ooo
Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo they're obsessed
With yoo ooo
Ooo ooo cos they're watching
Yoo ooo


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