Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di North Star di Daryl Hall e Daryl Hall Robert Fripp . “North Star” è una canzone di Daryl Hall. North Star Lyrics.

TESTO - Daryl Hall - North Star


TESTO - Daryl Hall - North Star

North star
We stare
How far
How clear

Now touch
Touch here
Now warm
Now near
Now near

With you
With love
With love
How sweet
How filled

Now time
Now time
Now touch
How sweet
How near
How filled
Now time
Time's still
I'm still
North star
We stare
How far
How clear
How far
How clear
How far
How clear

Now touch
Touch here
Now warm
Now near
Within you
With you
With love
With love
With love

I stand in the hallway
She stands in the hall
I stand at the doorway
She stands at the door
I lean in the window
She leans on the wind
I wait for beginnings
She waits for the end
For the end, for the end
North star
North star

How far
How clear
Now touch
Touch here
Now warm
Now near
Now near

How far
How clear
Now touch
Touch here
Now warm
Now near
Now near

For the end
For the end
North star
North star

Vai alla Traduzione


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