The Kinks

New World

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di New World di The Kinks . “New World” è una canzone di The Kinks. New World Lyrics.

TESTO - The Kinks - New World


TESTO - The Kinks - New World

Eins, zwei, drei, vier
I wake up in the morning
Looking at the street below
Oh, the aggravation down below
It's no coincidence at all
The war is over
But the battle has just begun
It's still going on
Still going on

Mass migration of people
Lithuania, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, Poland
Refugees from all over the European continent
All travelling to America
The land of the free
All travelling to America
To the great city

Life in the city
Started to get me down
Everybody pushin' and shovin'
Aggravation all around
Oh baby
(? )

Have you had enough?
Have you had enough of all this aggravation?
Fifty years ago this year
It was fifty years ago this year
When the aggravation begun
It's still going on
Ein, zwei, drei, vier

Vai alla Traduzione


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