
My Love

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di My Love di Aswad contenuta nell'album Roots Revival. “My Love” è una canzone di Aswad. My Love Lyrics.

TESTO - Aswad - My Love


TESTO - Aswad - My Love

Whoo ouuu
Every night I'm lying in bed
Holding you close in my dreams

Thinking about all the things that we said
Coming apart at the seams

We try to talk it over
But the words came out too rough
I know you were trying
To give me the best of your love
Oh well

Whoa oh oh oh, sweet darlin’ baby
You've got the best of my love
Whoa oh oh oh, sweet darlin', girl
You’ve got the best of my love

Beautiful faces, loud empty places
Look at the way that we live
Wasting our time on cheap talk and wine
Left us so little to give

That same old crowd
Was like a old dark cloud
That we could never rise above
I know in my heart
I give you the best of my love
Whoa oh oh oh, sweet darlin' baby
You've got the best of my love
Whoa oh oh oh, sweet darling, girl
You've got the best of my love

I'm goin' back in time
And it's a sweet dream

It was a quiet night
And I would feel all right
If I could go on sleepin'

But every mornin’
I wake up and worry
What’s gonna happen today
You see it your way
I see it mine
But we both see it slippin' away

I know we really loved each other
I guess that really wasn’t enough
I know in my heart
I'm giving you the best of my love

Whoa oh oh oh, sweet darlin' baby
You've got the best of my love
Whoa oh oh oh, sweet darling, baby
You’ve got the best of my love
Whoa oh oh oh, sweet darlin' baby
You've got the best of my love

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