Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Mean Man di W.A.S.P. contenuta nell'album The Headless Children. “Mean Man” è una canzone di W.A.S.P.. Mean Man Lyrics.

TESTO - W.A.S.P. - Mean Man


TESTO - W.A.S.P. - Mean Man

A tattooed madman, I am hell on wheels
Born a wicked child, left alone in the fields
My father was the wind, my mother was fire
Raised by the wolves and I grew up wild
A kamikaze man a-hollerin' "Banzai"
Never crash and burn, never gonna die
Cannibal is me, you squeal and shout
I chew you up and spit you out

Storms a-c-c-coming and it's gonna be me
Here comes Trouble, with a capital "T"

Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man
I gotta scream, that's what I am
All the way, all all the way
Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man
Riding the wind and know I'll be damned
All the way, all all the way, all the way

Chewbacca in the rye, the ruler of fire
A terror in the flesh, a killer for hire
California man, I'm white line, "Homer"
The unruly one they call the "Blonde Bomber"
Scooter gypsy, I'm a renegade
An orphan of the road, a live hand grenade
Never gonna quit before my time
When the moon gets high, then I'll be blind

Mad dog, 20-20's king
I drink that stuff and start getting obscene

Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man
I gotta scream, that's what I am
All the way, all all the way
Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man
Riding the wind and know I'll be damned
All the way, all all the way, all the way

I'm a motorcycle man, don't never give a damn
I lie when the truth serves better
The Marquis de Sade, I cheat and steal and rob
A heavy metal creature

Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man
I gotta scream, that's what I am
All the way, all all the way
Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man
I gotta scream, that's what I am
All the way, all all the way
Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man
Riding the wind and know I'll be damned
All the way, all all the way

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