Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Lullaby of Clubland di Everything but the Girl contenuta nell'album Temperamental (Deluxe Edition). “Lullaby of Clubland” è una canzone di Everything but the Girl. Lullaby of Clubland Lyrics.

TESTO - Everything but the Girl - Lullaby of Clubland


TESTO - Everything but the Girl - Lullaby of Clubland

How much of yourself do you give away
After someone's left your life in disarray?
It still hurts
But it won't show
Because I'm too proud
So you're never ever gonna know

I'm on the dark side of the street
Not the light side of the street
It's packed at 2am
I've got no coat
Are you on your own?
I'm into you
When are you going home?
Get into me

How much of the day can you sit around
Letting all your feelings drag underground?
I don't care and I do care
Because I want it
If I know that it's out there everywhere

I'm on the dark side of the street
Not the light side of the street
It's packed at 2am
I've got no coat
Are you on your own?
I'm into you
When are you going home?
Get into me

I saw you standing at the bar
Don't know your name or who you are
It's packed at 2am
I've got no coat
Are you on your own?
I'm into you
When are you going home?
Get into me

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