Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Lucky Guy di Trout Fishing in America contenuta nell'album Truth is Stranger Than Fishin’. “Lucky Guy” è una canzone di Trout Fishing in America. Lucky Guy Lyrics.
TESTO - Trout Fishing in America - Lucky Guy
TESTO - Trout Fishing in America - Lucky Guy
My old car gave up at the red light, screamin' ball of hellacious fire
C'est la vie, adios;
So I hopped a bus with a bag of groceries, damn thing busted
Green beans, snow peas down the aisle, look at 'er roll
I threw everything in my overcoat
Tied the sleeves together and I give 'er a tote
Come hell or high water I'm gettin' these groceries home--
Chorus: '
Cause I'm a lucky guy;
I got a woman that loves me
I know I'm a lucky guy;
I got a woman that tells me so
I'm a lucky guy;
I'm a lucky guy, yeah
My boss said, "I sure hate to lose you
But don't you know it's the age of computers--
You ever thought much about maintenance work?"
The IRS sent me a love letter
They're selling my home to the highest bidder
I tell you what boys, you can keep my shirt
Cause I ain't smart and I ain't clever
But I'm lucky in love, I hope I don't lose her
Bad as things are, things could always get worse--
All my friends want to know
What the hell am I so happy about?
Why do I glow?
They just can't figure me out
I may get low
But nothin's gonna keep me down--