Fats Domino

Lovely Rita

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Lovely Rita di Fats Domino contenuta nell'album Fats Is Back. “Lovely Rita” è una canzone di Fats Domino. Lovely Rita Lyrics.

TESTO - Fats Domino - Lovely Rita


TESTO - Fats Domino - Lovely Rita

(Lovely Rita, meter maid)
(Lovely Rita, meter maid)

Lovely Rita, meter maid
Nothing can come between us
When it gets dark I tow your heart away

Standing by a parking meter
When I caught a glimpse of Rita
Filling in a ticket in her little white book

In a cap she looked much older
And the bag across her shoulder
Made her look a little like a military man

Lovely Rita, meter maid
May I inquire discreetly
When are you free to take some tea with me

(Lovely Rita, meter maid)
(Lovely Rita, meter maid)

Lovely Rita, meter maid
Nothing can come between us
When it gets dark I tow your heart away
Took her out and tried to win her
Had a laugh and over dinner
Told her I would really like to see her again

Got the bill and Rita paid it
Took her home and nearly made it
Sitting on the sofa with a sister or two

Oh, lovely Rita, meter maid
Where will I be without you?
Give me a wink and make me think of you

(Lovely Rita, meter maid) Yeah, lovely Rita
(Lovely Rita, meter maid) I longer wonder about it, Rita
(Lovely Rita, meter maid) Oooh, yeah
(Lovely Rita, meter maid) I say here we go!

(Lovely Rita, meter maid) Will you please, Rita?
(Lovely Rita, meter maid) I think about you, Rita
(Lovely Rita, meter maid)

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