Daryl Hall

Love Revelation

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Love Revelation di Daryl Hall contenuta nell'album Soul Alone. “Love Revelation” è una canzone di Daryl Hall. Love Revelation Lyrics.

TESTO - Daryl Hall - Love Revelation


TESTO - Daryl Hall - Love Revelation

I've been quiet, never spoke before about this
Takes a little time to say what
I'm thinking
Let's run down the concept of love as we know it
I'm only happy when I'm flying
Then you catch me when I'm falling

Freedom what you want
Freedom what I miss
I think about you
I realize
Love revelation
Freedom what you want
Freedom what I choose
What about you?
I realize
Love revelation

Hey, let's sit down and talk it over
Cos I don't want a ride from paradise to pain
Ain't no way I could love you more
Still need that open door
It's so good when I'm flying
Will you catch me when I'm falling?

Freedom what you want
Freedom what I miss
I think about you
I realize
Love revelation
Freedom what you want
Freedom what I choose
What about you?
I realize
Love revelation
Freedom what you want
Freedom what I miss
I think about you
I realize
Love revelation
Freedom what you want
Freedom what I'd do
What about you?
I realize
Love revelation
My life - shouldn't be hard to live
You know what my weakness is
Make me a little bit stronger
Cos I can't do it without you
Though I'm Happy when I'm flying
Baby, catch me when I'm falling

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