
Jaded Strumpet

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Jaded Strumpet di Steppenwolf contenuta nell'album For Ladies Only. “Jaded Strumpet” è una canzone di Steppenwolf. Jaded Strumpet Lyrics.

TESTO - Steppenwolf - Jaded Strumpet


TESTO - Steppenwolf - Jaded Strumpet

You know, I got a thing for women
That are lean, and know their demon
Diamonds and sequins don’t knock them on their ass
I got a high-struttin' floozy
She’s clean, and always choosy
She clawed her way to the head of her class

And they call her jaded strumpet
You know that girl sure blows trumpet
Got a hoochie coochie throw bed
If you treat her right, she might show you there

Now she won't ask the world's permission
To please her needs and disposition
She does what she wants and she says what she feels
And if you try to catch and hold her
Then do your best that you won’t bore her
She don’t need you just to pay for her meals

And they call her jaded strumpet
You know that girl sure blows trumpet
Got a hoochie coochie throw bed
You treat her right, she might show you there

And if you think she'll let you ride her
Only two words can describe her
Please, don’t you overdrive her
She's really quite a lady
In her own way

You know, I got a thing for women
That are lean, and know their demon
Diamonds and sequins don’t knock them on their ass
I got a high-struttin' floozy
She’s clean, and always choosy
She clawed her way to the head of her class

And they call her jaded strumpet
You know that girl sure blows trumpet
Got a hoochie coochie throw bed
You treat her right, she might show you there
Yeah, she might show you there
Hey, she gonna show you there
Yeah! Ow!

Yeah, yeah, jaded strumpet
That girl, she sure blows trumpet, ow!
Yeah, yeah, jaded strumpet
You know, that chick sure is alright
Yeah, yeah, jaded strumpet
The girl, whoa, whoa, she blows trumpet
Yeah, yeah, jaded strumpet
Girl might never see your carpet, alright
Yeah, yeah, jaded strumpet
The girl, she sure blows, blows trumpet
Yeah, yeah, jaded strumpet
The girl, yeah, she sure can blow trumpet

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