Daryl Hall

I’m in a Philly Mood

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di I’m in a Philly Mood di Daryl Hall contenuta nell'album Soul Alone. “I’m in a Philly Mood” è una canzone di Daryl Hall. I’m in a Philly Mood Lyrics.

TESTO - Daryl Hall - I’m in a Philly Mood


TESTO - Daryl Hall - I’m in a Philly Mood

Oh, let's make it groove
Taking it nice and smooth

Turn out the light
I can see your face
It's you and I
In the time and the place

The radio's playing Teddy's groove

The city nights
Nothing love couldn't do

Oh, baby, it's been too long
I need to feel the same thing
Oh, that made that time our own

Oh, let's make it groove
Taking it nice and smooth
I'm in a Philly mood

Oh, baby come down
I wanna hold you now
I'm in a Philly mood

Lay down your love
I can feel your soul
(Reach me)
When night is gone
Let our hearts carry on
As sure as you are
Of the love we've made
I know sometimes
We've been so out of place

But, oh, lately
Girl it seems that we've come home
To that place that made the time our own

Oh, let's make it groove
Taking it nice and smooth
I'm in a Philly mood

Oh, baby come down
I wanna hold you now
I'm in a Philly mood

Oh, let's make it groove
Taking it twice as smooth
I'm in a Philly mood

Oh, baby come on
I wanna hold you now
I'm in a Philly mood

But, oh, lately
Girl it seems that we've come home
To that place, that place, that place
That made the time our own
Oh, let's make it groove
Taking it nice and smooth
I'm in a Philly mood

Oh, baby come down
I wanna hold you now
I'm in a Philly mood

Oh, let's make it groove
Taking it twice as smooth
I'm in a Philly mood

Oh, baby come on
I wanna hold you now
I'm in a Philly mood

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