
I’m Asking

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di I’m Asking di Steppenwolf contenuta nell'album For Ladies Only. “I’m Asking” è una canzone di Steppenwolf. I’m Asking Lyrics.

TESTO - Steppenwolf - I’m Asking


TESTO - Steppenwolf - I’m Asking

I'm asking all you mothers
Do your children take jive?
And God was just piled upon them
Do you think they'll survive?
You send them to the movies
What you think that they'll see?
You know that that won't be love
That not breathing cheaply
They can watch a murderer
A rapist or a cheat
Armies kill millions
And violence in our streets

I'm asking!
Yes, I'm Asking!

But lost stinking bodies
Are still not for young eyes
I'm asking all you mothers
Do you tell your children lies?
How do you think they'll grow up
If they're weened upon a gun
Or stories of how the stork
And bout you, your new start
A tear in the darkness
As a wellness fills there eyes
When truth is discovered
If they leave you - don't
Don't you be surprised
I'm asking
Im asking all you mothers
Im asking
All you mothers to be
I'm asking
For the sake of our children
Don't take away the right
The right to be free

Im asking all you young girls
Have you learned about lost pleasure
Or did your parents bind tomorrow
Restrain you from the treasure
Tell me, look behind you
Was your mama really there?
Your child looks alot like you
For her sake I hope you'll be fair
You want your kids to grow up
With the things you never had
Then give them all there freedom
Respect there values of good and bad

I'm asking
Yes, I'm asking
I'm asking
I'm asking
Do you tell your children lies
I'm asking

I'm asking

I'm asking
I'm asking

Yes, I'm asking

I'm asking

Vai alla Traduzione


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