Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Identity di X-Ray Spex contenuta nell'album Germ Free Adolescents: The Anthology. “Identity” è una canzone di X-Ray Spex. Identity Lyrics.

TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Identity


TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Identity

Identity is the crisis can't you see
Identity identity

When you look in the mirror
Do you see yourself
Do you see yourself
On the T.V. screen
Do you see yourself in the magazine
When you see yourself
Does it make you scream

Identity is the crisis can't you see
Identity identity

Identity is the crisis can't you see
Identity identity

When you look in the mirror
Do you smash it quick
Do you take the glass
And slash your wrists
Did you do it for fame
Did you do it in a fit
Did you do it before
You read about it
Identity is the crisis can't you see
Identity identity


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