Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Hung up and Overdue di Tom Petty e Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers contenuta nell'album Wildflowers & All The Rest (Deluxe Edition). “Hung up and Overdue” è una canzone di Tom Petty. Hung up and Overdue Lyrics.

TESTO - Tom Petty - Hung up and Overdue


TESTO - Tom Petty - Hung up and Overdue

I'm so hung up
I'm going to go see her tonight
I'm so hung up
I can't get her out of my mind
Could be just stars in my eyes
Could be this one happened twice

We're overdue for a dream-come-true
Long time nothing new
We're overdue for a dream-come-true

She said she's going
To move to California one day
Said she's going
Out on safari to stay
She's tired of her job and the snow
We both need somewhere to go

We're overdue for a dream-come-true
Long time nothing new
We're overdue for a dream-come-true

I'm so hung up on her now
I'm so strung out on her now
A gift from the sun to the moon
I hope something changes soon
We're overdue for a dream-come-true
Long time nothing new
We're overdue for a dream-come-true

We're overdue for a dream-come-true
Long time nothing new
We're overdue for a dream-come-true

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