Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Hope You Never di Tom Petty e Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers contenuta nell'album Wildflowers & All The Rest (Deluxe Edition). “Hope You Never” è una canzone di Tom Petty. Hope You Never Lyrics.
TESTO - Tom Petty - Hope You Never
TESTO - Tom Petty - Hope You Never
I hope you never fall in love
Hope you never get your heart broken
I hope you never fall in love
With somebody like you
I hope you never give a damn
Hope you never lose your perspective
I hope you never fall in love
With somebody like you
I wish you well
I wish you everything and more
Forgive my ignorance
I was starting to ramble on and on
Starting to ramble on and on
I hope you never need no one
Hope you treasure your independence
I hope you never fall in love
With somebody like you
I wish you well
I wish you everything and more
Forgive my ignorance
I was starting to ramble on and on
Starting to ramble on and on
I hope you never give a damn
Hope you never get your heart broken
I hope you never fall in love
With somebody like you
I hope you never fall in love
With somebody like you