
Hippo Stomp

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Hippo Stomp di Steppenwolf contenuta nell'album Steppenwolf 7. “Hippo Stomp” è una canzone di Steppenwolf. Hippo Stomp Lyrics.

TESTO - Steppenwolf - Hippo Stomp


TESTO - Steppenwolf - Hippo Stomp

If I should go astray and say "I lost my way" nobody would know me
But if I don't believe I can and still say "Hear my plan"
Somebody would follow just because it's free

We're all Hippos rollin' down the river
Sometimes we can't touch the ground
Like Hippos slidin' in the water
Somehow we're stompin' around

If you should go astray and say "I lost my way" nobody will know you
But if you don't believe you can and still say "I'm your man"
Somebody will follow just because it's free

We're all Hippos rollin' down the river
Sometimes we can't touch the ground
Like Hippos slindin' in the water
Somehow we're stompin' around

Now you can see me lyin' down in my swamp
Any time I feel disgusted
You'll see me do the hippo stomp

You stop and watch me while you're out on your midnite romp
And I can feel the silent question
What the heck is the Hippo Stomp?
Hey! Hey! You should try it when you're feelin' blue
Let me answer you and let me tell ya true
Just how I feel when I'm down
Sometimes I wonder
You'll see me stumblin' around
But you just point and stare
Come on let me hear ya
Somewhere there's a voice down inside
And when you find it let it teach you how to ask the question "why"
Just because we live together
We don't have to like each other
So please don't fall asleep on me again
Nobody, nobody, nobody knows for sure
You just might never wake up from the dream
Hey! Speak up let me hear ya
Let me show you 'round the reservation
I know my way around these parts
I've lived here long enough
Now you can have a taste, an indication
Of things and times to come
Early in the morning, late at night
Somebody seems to know just how this thing work's right
Cause every time I come around the corner somebody's looking out my door
He's been snoopin' like a hound
I'll grab his neck and shake him on down
Repeat Chorus

Now you can see me lyin' down in my swamp
Any time I feel disgusted
You'll see me do the Hippo Stomp

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