
God Fearing Man

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di God Fearing Man di Steppenwolf contenuta nell'album At Your Birthday Party. “God Fearing Man” è una canzone di Steppenwolf. God Fearing Man Lyrics.

TESTO - Steppenwolf - God Fearing Man


TESTO - Steppenwolf - God Fearing Man

What drives a man to do all that he can
Brings people down to what he calls his code
Believes in himself but nobody else
Does he trust and try to understand
How they feel, can he see?

Not so good

He's a God fearing man
Yes, he does all that he can
To try and understand
What's wrong with his fellow men?

What's wrong, what's wrong?

He looks at me, what does he see?
Blood, flesh and bones- am I real?
Love is gone and hate has come
But don't blame yourself
If you can't find somebody else

He's a God fearing man
Yes, he does all that he can
To try and understand
What's wrong with his fellow men?
What's wrong, what's wrong?
What's wrong with his fellow men?
What's wrong, what's wrong?
What's wrong with his fellow men?
What's wrong, what's wrong?

What drives a man to do all that he can
Brings people down to what he calls his code
Believes in himself but nobody else
Does he trust and try to understand
How they feel, can he see?

Not so good

He's a God fearing man
Yes, he does all that he can
To try and understand
What's wrong with his fellow men?

What's wrong, what's wrong?
What's wrong with him?
What's wrong, what's wrong?
What's wrong, what's wrong?

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