C-Murder ft. Porsha


Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Freedom di C-Murder e Porsha contenuta nell'album Bossalinie. “Freedom” è una canzone di C-Murder. Freedom Lyrics.

TESTO - C-Murder - Freedom


TESTO - C-Murder - Freedom

I want my freedom, full freedom, full freedom, mmm, hmmm x2

As I look in the mirror I see the picture gettin clearer
Wanna rip me to shreds for the life that ive led
But uh I see em comin before they approach
Just like a snake they sliding into your circle with hope
Of maintaining all your legendary dreams and stacks
Making million dollar moves with many platinum plaques
Negotiate your freedom, you catchin CRP
]From the court from blue, come many nights no sleep
What's the scenerio of life when you trapped in crime
My lil homie still incarcerated for packing a nine
Now history repeat itself, there's black on black
Check my background, there's evidence genocide is back
Eliminate all my foes with my violent thrusts
Excuse me for my crime but in God I trust
Bossalinie uneffected by the eyes of even
Cause I'm military minded and demand my freedom

Record labels try to sign for many years infact
Want a life time commitment, get you hooked like crack
Independant, black owned, you can keep your deal
I remain with No Limit cause the tank be real
I lose my cousin eight years for the time he spent
The penitentiary is full of black violent men
Try to make a change, they can't
Cause they cuffs to tight
Momma please help us cause my mind ain't right
It ain't easy being me with my skin so toned
The mother land ain't been the same since they took me from home
My mobile phone in the benz, gettin high with my friends
Rainy days got us fighting each other, digging our graves
A cell block full of pictures, can't wait for parole
I need a second change of life cause I'm getting to old
And it's cold I can't see, can't sleep at night
Like a rebel for my freedom, I'll be prepared to fight

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