Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Follow Your Heart di Logan Mize contenuta nell'album Welcome to Prairieville. “Follow Your Heart” è una canzone di Logan Mize. Follow Your Heart Lyrics.
TESTO - Logan Mize - Follow Your Heart
TESTO - Logan Mize - Follow Your Heart
Dolores joins William and Logan on a bounty hunt; The Man in Black makes a significant discovery; Ford and Theresa discuss the park's future.
for three years we've lived here
in the park.
Refining the host.
Myself, a team of engineers and
my partner.
His name was Arnold.
He wanted to create
The board, sir, you
promised them a new story-line.
They shall have one.
Something quite original.
Perhaps it is time you
had a worthy story of origin.
It starts in a time of war,
with a villain called...
the maze...
How do I find the entrance?
Follow the blood arroyo,
to the place where the snake
lays its eggs.
We found the stray
up here.
It's as if he got an idea
in his head.
One that we never programmed.
Why the hell would
he carve a line?
kill him.
Do you know
where you are?
I'm in a dream.
Before this,
do you know
what happened?
My parents...
They hurt them.
Limit your
emotional affect, please.
What happened next?
Then they killed them.
And then...
I ran.
Everyone I cared about
is gone...
And it hurts...
So badly.
I can make that feeling
go away if you'd like.
Why would I want that?
The pain,
their loss...
It's all I have left
of them.
You think the grief will
make you smaller inside,
like your heart will collapse
in on itself, but it doesn't.
I feel spaces
opening up inside of me
like a building with rooms
I've never explored.
That's very pretty,
Did we write that
for you?
In part.
I adapted it from a scripted
dialogue about love.
Is there something wrong with
these thoughts I'm having?
But I'm not the only one
making these decisions.
Can you help me?
Well, what is it
that you want?
I don't know.
But this world...
I think there may be
something wrong
with this world.
Something hiding
Either that or...
Or there's something
wrong with me.
I may be losing my mind.
There's something
I'd like you to try.
It's a game.
A secret.
It's called...
The maze.
What kind of game is it?
It's a very special
kind of game, Dolores.
The goal is to find
the center of it.
If you can do that,
then maybe
you can be free.
I think...
I think I want
to be free.
Thank you.
Penny for your thoughts.
Ever had something
on the tip of your tongue,
but the harder you try to remember
it, the more it slips away?
Most things that touch
the tip of my tongue,
I'm happy to forget.
Except that cowpoke
from abilene.
That thing
he was packing...
That was something
to remember.
All I recall is you letting that
cowpoke skip out on his bill.
Hell, I oughta been
paying him.
The way he used
that thing.
Better cool them off
before they move
from gambling and whoring
to sins that are
more costly to repair.
What is the matter,
Something in your eye.
Man, distorted: Aw, can
you fucking kill it?
Man ♪2: Jesus.
What's the hold up?
We need that one
on the next shuttle topside.
I'm not finished with her yet.
Hang on.
I've got another bullet fragment
to remove from her abdomen.
Qa wants her back
on the floor now.
Just patch her
and get her on the...
Clementine: ...Touch
the tip of my tongue...
...I'm happy to forget.
Except that cowpoke
from abilene.
That thing
he was packing...
That was something
to remember.
The way he used
that thing.
Man: Hyah! Come on!
Elsie: No, I would not
characterize this
as normal host behavior.
Yet you're
describing it
as within
normal parameters.
it didn't hurt us.
Its behavior
was unconventional.
It smashed its own
head in with a rock.
It is possible that it's a
manifestation of its samaritan reflex.
And it's also possible
that behavior takes
a proprietary approach
to problems like this
to avoid having to admit
when they fuck up.
Do we have any idea what
caused it to go off loop?
No, but I am hoping
to recover
some of its cognition.
We managed to stabilize
its wetware before there was
too much decomposition.
Is there any hope
of actually
extracting something
from this?
- We can try.
- Theresa: No.
My team will take over
the investigation now.
Your team?
Are you kidding me?
Look, this guy couldn't
debug a balled-up napkin.
If... if you would like us to
figure out what went wrong here,
we need to be allowed
to access it.
No more second chances.
Qa will handle events
like this from now on.
Is that going to be
a problem, Bernard?
We've all got plenty
of work on our plates.
If you guys want
to take this one, fine.
Just get us a copy of the
postmortem when it's done.
Let's get started.
You know, I always figured
you gave me this job
i speak my mind.
- I did.
- Good.
I would've preferred
you not show up at all
if the first thing you
were going to do is cave.
- They think we're not telling them something.
- And we're not!
There is clearly a pattern
of behavior here.
First there was Abernathy,
and now there's this.
I mean, I've got hosts imagining
voices and climbing mountaintops
to consult
their astrological chart.
This is not
a fucking glitch.
And for some reason, you don't
want me to tell anyone.
It is like
everybody around here
has got some kind of fucking
agenda except for me.
And... what?
I remember when
i first started here.
The hosts seemed
very lifelike.
You begin to read things
into their behaviors.
- Don't be patronizing.
- Fine.
The hosts don't
imagine things, you do.
That's not Orion.
There are three stars in
Orion's belt, not four.
You must be cold.
Take that.
Thank you.
We gotta take her back
to Sweetwater.
Are you fucking kidding?
Come on, Logan, you know she
doesn't belong out here.
You leave now, that no-good
outlaw slim Miller
is sure to evade
our grasp.
No fucking way.
You were the one who dragged
me on this stupid bounty hunt.
The least we're going to do
is see it through, okay?
We can't take her
on a bounty hunt.
If you're so concerned
about her well-being,
I'll just blow
her brains out,
and then the park
will come get her.
Hey, hey.
Can you please
stop trying
to just kill
or fuck everything?
Oh. Oh.
Now I get it.
The park sent her
so that you will finally
have something
to give a shit about.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure
the people at the controls
are monitoring
my every mood.
That's exactly
what they're doing.
Come on, you really think
it's a coincidence
that the only thing that you even
smiled at back in Sweetwater
just happened to drop
into your lap?
This is why the company
needs to bump our stake
in this place.
They can even give you
a sense of purpose.
You said the trip was about
welcoming me to the family.
This is business?
With our family, William,
everything is business.
Holden: We better get
a move on, gentlemen.
This should be
the place, Lawrence.
The blood arroyo.
Plenty of snakes, but none
of the egg-laying variety.
You killed my wife,
severely pruned
my family tree
all in pursuit
of some goddamn maze.
The hell you hope
to find, anyway?
This whole world
is a story.
I've read every page
except the last one.
I need to find out
how it ends.
I want to know
what this all means.
See, now that's why
i never learned to read.
Why don't we forget
about this damn snake,
head to pariah?
My friends there
can help us.
Well, your friends have
nothing I'm looking for,
not this trip.
I think we found
our snake after all.
Shame on you.
You were a married man
up until yesterday.
Her? Hell, no.
I like a little fire
in my women.
The only thing
she's ever mounted
are dead heads
on sticks.
We should get
the fuck out of...
We found some more
food for the horses.
They were starting
to get ornery.
My friend and I were
just admiring your tattoo.
We'd love to know
the story behind it.
I like your hat.
Maybe I'll keep it.
The horses can have
the rest of you.
How in hell
have we never met?
Clearly a terrible
oversight on my part.
Where, may I ask,
are you headed?
To retrieve something
of great value.
You look
a little shorthanded.
We got enough men.
Seems like you got
a couple positions open.
We've got a host making a pretty
big deviation from her loop.
- Which one?
- The rancher's daughter from Sweetwater.
- Is she accompanying a guest?
- Unclear.
The boss is disrupting
so many storylines
with his new narrative,
it's hard to tell.
Flag her with behavior.
They can pull her today.
Make sure everything's
checking out.
Good morning.
It's a lovely town.
Is this your home?
Well, where are you from?
Same as you.
Don't you remember?
Man's voice:
Got word a girl went missing
from Abernathy ranch.
Is that where
you belong?
I'm sure your daddy's
worried about you.
My father's dead.
I'm not going back.
What's going on here?
Oh, just helping
a lost traveler.
She's not lost,
she's with me.
My mistake.
- Y'all have a nice morning.
- Yeah.
So, we got a lead
on slim.
You can stay here
if you want,
and I'll just circle
back and get you.
No, I think I need
to keep going.
Apparently, she needs
to make certain
this thing they're looking for
is where they think it is.
She said she'd signal
if the information was good.
that's the signal.
I'm sorry if I caused trouble
with you and your friend.
Oh, no, no.
No, it's fine.
I'm glad you found us.
I didn't get a chance
to ask where you're headed.
I don't really know yet.
I guess I figured
they kept you in zones
or on paths or...
I used to believe there
was a path for everyone.
Now I think
i never asked
where that path
was taking me.
We would bring the herd
down off the mountain
in the fall.
Sometimes we would lose
one along the way,
and I'd worry over it.
My father...
My father
would tell me...
That the steer would find
its own way home.
And, often as not,
they did.
Never occurred to me that we were
bring them back for the slaughter.
How are you going
to find your way now?
I'm not sure
you'll understand.
Sometimes I feel...
Like something's
calling me.
Telling me
there's a place for me
somewhere beyond all this.
Oh, I know
that feeling, Dolores.
I know that feeling.
But you really don't want to
go back to your old life?
Are you all right?
Hey, hey.
You all right?
I just got a chill.
That's all.
Let's... let's go back
to the fire.
You're probably
- Just talk to him.
- All right.
Uh, excuse me, sir?
I didn't want to intrude,
but I just had to say
that I'm such
an admirer of yours.
Your foundation literally
saved my sister's...
One more word and
I'll cut your throat.
This is
my fucking vacation.
Apparently, whatever
they're looking for
is in the ojal prison.
These lunatics
plan to steal a Cannon
from the union
cavalry unit.
Blast their way in.
I don't have time for
color-by-numbers bullshit.
I'll ride at dawn.
I'll go get whatever you
want out of that prison
and bring it
back myself.
Suppose you make it
out alive.
What's your price?
Nothing but a few words.
I want the story
behind your tattoo.
What's your interest
in it?
You ever heard
of a man named Arnold?
You could say he was the
original settler of these parts.
He created a world where you
could do anything you want,
except one thing...
You can't die.
Which means no matter how
real this world seems,
it's still just a game.
But then Arnold went
and broke his own rule.
He died right here
in the park.
Except I believe he had
one story left to tell.
A story
with real stakes,
real violence.
You could say I'm here
to honor his legacy.
And I think your tattoo is the
next piece of the puzzle.
So, do we have
a wager?
You aim to break
into a prison
and take out
20 men alone?
Not alone.
I'll take
Lawrence here.
And I'll need
one match.
One match,
one pistol,
and one idiot.
I'll take those odds.
You gonna give me the silent
treatment the whole way there?
Lawrence: You should've left
me hanging from those gallows.
At least I could've
died in peace
without having
to hear you yammer.
Don't suppose
you have a light?
No smoking in here.
Normally, I'm sure,
but this
is the finest tobacco
a man can enjoy.
Hand-rolled on the ample
thighs of exotic women.
Perhaps you'd like
to try one yourself.
Choices, Lawrence.
You know, you tell yourself
you've been at the mercy of mine
because it spares you
consideration of your own.
Because if you did
consider your choices,
you'd be confronted
with a truth
you could not
That no choice you ever
made was your own.
You have always been
a prisoner.
What if I told you
I'm here to set you free?
Let's go!
Horse thieves.
Damn fools shot up
a couple of pokes
practically in front of us.
Well, the only fool I see is the
one standing right in front of me.
Deputy, you have there
in your custody
the most wanted man
in three territories...
Lawrence Pedro
Maria Gonzalez.
Heard you slipped
the rope.
Dropped some damn
good men in exchange.
Man in black:
The way he tells it,
he's more partial
to a firing squad.
I reckon we'll be happy
to oblige.
I'm gonna fucking
kill you.
Maybe someday.
Lock him up
with the other man.
Enjoy the cigars.
Go fuck yourself.
Man: And just who are
you supposed to be?
Your salvation.
Man: Hyah, hyah!
Hector: I don't believe
we've ever met.
No, we haven't.
You know, you always
seemed like a...
A market-tested
kind of thing.
Big gun, tasteful scar.
in your little cycle
like a prized poodle
after its own tail.
You sound like a man
who's grown tired
of wearing his guts
on the inside.
There's no need
to get testy.
I'm just curious
about your worldview.
Some kind of half-native
mumbo jumbo?
It's simple.
I believe that
only the truly brave
can look at the world
and understand
that all of it...
Gods, men,
everything else...
Will end badly.
No one will be saved.
Maybe we've got more in
common than I thought.
What about you?
What turns of fate
have brought you here?
It's a long story.
And we don't have
the time.
Got more time than
your friend, sadly.
It will be a few more days
before my friends show up.
Three days.
I'm afraid I don't
have time for that,
so we're leaving now.
I've got a request
for a pyrotechnic effect.
Los diablos,
low-yield, two charges.
Step lively, Hector.
Any last words?
Get it over with.
One match.
You're a capable man.
We could do with your help
where we're going.
Afraid not.
We owe you a debt.
No, your friend here
simply owes me
a word or two.
That'll do.
And a word of advice...
That thing
you're looking for?
You're never gonna
find it in that safe.
I was seven when they
rode into my town.
Masked men
in devils' horns.
They killed everyone...
Women, children,
even the animals.
They gutted my mother
from her jaw to her sex.
I had to paint
her warm blood
over my skin
to make sure
that they would
think I was dead.
Every one of them
i tracked down,
I used their blood
to paint my skin again.
Only one man left.
The head of the snake.
What's his name?
He has many names.
Most know him
as Wyatt.
Hey, little girl,
what... what is this?
What does it mean?
Don't waste
your breath, lady.
That thing's part
of their so-called religion.
Ain't none of them's gonna
tell you nothing about that.
It's $5 for an hour,
4 if you bathe first.
Well, if we just
get the one,
do I get a discount
for being second and all?
I'm sure we can work
something out.
Come on.
The tall one,
I've seen him before,
hanging in the window
of the post office.
Do you think they're
here for something?
I think they're interested
in more than a turn
at franny's backside.
I think he rides
with Hector.
Is that the one they say
lives out with the savages?
That's the one.
Bernard: Taking off?
I just got here.
You gave me what I needed.
So, is that all
I'm good for?
- Letting off a little stress?
- Who says I'm stressed?
You have your tells.
Oh, yes, Bernard,
of observation.
Tomorrow I have
to talk to Ford.
- Why?
- He's creating chaos in the park.
And the board will be
descending at any moment.
I need to buy
some time.
Some advice?
Best to not show him you're
nervous or defensive.
I have nothing
to be defensive about.
Then don't cross
your arms.
It's an ancient instinct.
The belly is the most vulnerable
part of every animal.
It's so sexy being compared
to a frightened beast.
That's the posture
you're looking for.
your best efforts,
you can actually be
quite charming.
Have the neighbors
Safe to say,
they're asking questions.
The rocks would
prefer not to move,
but we shall
move them yet.
Perhaps I can
help you with that.
The narrative
you're creating
is clearly
a massive endeavor.
If you need more time,
I'm sure the board
would be happy
to oblige.
I'm sure
they'd be happier
for me to delay it
Come with me.
You imagine
i have gone mad...
Do you?
Lost my way?
We're simply concerned
about the extent of the
changes you're making.
We want to protect
your legacy.
My legacy?
You don't like this place
very much, do you?
I've seen many of you come
and go over the years,
and I can tell the ones
who enjoy their time here
and the ones who don't.
I admire it,
the audacity of it.
- Oh.
- I've forgotten how beautiful it is.
I came here once as a
child with my parents.
I think we even sat
at this table.
Or maybe...
Maybe that one.
When I started
working here,
I realized this place wasn't
something I would enjoy.
In the beginning,
i imagined things would be
perfectly balanced.
Even had a bet with my partner,
Arnold, to that effect.
We made a hundred
hopeful storylines.
Of course, almost no one
took us up on them.
I lost the bet.
Arnold always held a
somewhat dim view of people.
He preferred the hosts.
He begged me
to not let you people in,
the moneymen.
But I told him
we'd be fine,
that you didn't understand
what you were paying for.
It's not a business venture,
not a theme park,
but an entire world.
We designed
every inch of it.
Every blade of grass.
In here, we were gods.
And you were
merely our guests.
And how did that
work out for Arnold?
Sadly, he lost
his perspective.
He went mad.
I haven't,
as you well know.
I have always
seen things
very clearly.
This is the table I sat at
with my parents.
This is the chair
i sat in.
We know everything
about our guests, don't we?
As we know everything
about our employees.
I do hope you will
be careful with Bernard.
He has a sensitive
I beg your pardon,
There have been many
of you over the years,
and we have always...
Almost always
found a way
to make it work.
So, I will ask you nicely,
Don't get in my way.
The board
will agree with me.
They'll be sending
a representative.
But they already have.
I thought
they would've told you.
That won't be
necessary, manu.
Not anymore.
You can join the others.
You can tell the board
that my narrative
will be completed
on time,
and it won't be
a retrospective,
as I'm sure
you have all feared.
I'm not
the sentimental type.
Holden says this slim's
got a whole gang with him,
so I need you
to stay here.
If you're outnumbered,
the last thing you need
is somebody
standing by.
- I can help.
- No, no, no.
Um, I know it doesn't
make any sense to you,
but I can't get hurt
in there, but you can.
I would hate
to see that happen.
Just stay here.
Okay? Be safe.
- Aw. Did you get a good-bye kiss?
- Shut up.
Seriously, if you don't
bang her by tomorrow,
I'm calling dibs.
Okay, listen up.
It's gonna be
a bag of nails in there.
Slim and his boys
got us outnumbered.
On top of that, there's a
family runs this place.
Good people.
We need to make sure that
snake-hearted son of a bitch
- doesn't try to...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Risk, reward.
We got it.
Come on. Let's go fuck
these fuckers up.
The fuck is that?
- I look like a dog to you?
- No, sir.
Huh? Huh?
Feed that to them.
Slap leather, cocksuckers.
Oh, god!
Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Did I fucking tell you,
or what?
Lawrence: Ain't normally
the type to complain,
but this
is just foolhardy.
Two men taking on Wyatt.
Man in black: Keep talking,
and I'm gonna take
the horse back,
Wyatt's freaks just wiped
out the last group
that went
seeking him out.
And here we are
riding right after him.
I'm just trying
to convince you
not to get yourself and
me as a bystander killed.
I'm not gonna get
myself killed.
Don't think I didn't
notice that distinction.
Looks like Wyatt's men left
somebody behind after all.
I should've guessed.
Please, put me
out of my misery.
I'm sorry, Teddy.
It looks like
misery's all you got.
Slim: Let me out of
this, god damn it!
Logan: That reward is
dead or alive, right?
Holden: Always best to
bring them in alive.
Can we at least gag him?
That's a fine idea.
Aw, come on.
Look, I... I know
you're in it for the money.
You ain't no real lawman.
Shut up, you.
Look, my boss,
El lazo,
he'll pay you twice
what the marshals will
if you cut me loose
and get me to pariah.
- Listen to me, you lowdown piece of dirt.
- Hey.
These men won't...
What the fuck?!
Relax, man.
You have no idea
how lucky we just got.
Lucky? You just shot
an innocent man.
No, he's a robot, just like
her and just like slim here,
except that slim
works for El lazo,
and El lazo
is our ticket
to the best ride
in the park.
Your bullshit mission led
us right to an easter egg.
You're not going
to let him go.
Well, well.
Look at you.
You're starting
to grow on me, farm girl.
Now, out of the way.
- Oh.
- Don't you dare.
This is gonna be fun!
Now we're each
gonna have one.
I won't fuck mine
You're disgusting.
Just an acquired taste.
You're gonna grow to
love me, I promise.
Come on. Hmm?
Come on.
Go black hat with me.
Come on, you got to,
you know, save the girl.
Now give me
a little something.
What is your problem?
The second we get away
from the real world,
you turn
into an evil prick.
It's a fucking game,
- Don't call me Billy!
- Are you still trying to impress her?
Because I guarantee
she does not give a shit
about how you play
this game.
Do you, Dolores?
What's he talking about,
She will be just fine
with a trip
down the dark side.
And so will you.
Trust me.
So, which way to pariah?
Oh, you just let me
take it from here.
All right, time for
the floor show.
Got some guests riding
with Hector this time.
Stubbs: Let's give them
something to shoot at.
Retask a few
of those soldiers.
Deputy: If you're
riding into our town
under the company
of armed men,
you'll need to state
your business.
Well, hello there.
I want to talk.
Interesting way
of starting a conversation.
Oh, it's an interesting
kind of day.
Now, my lovely friend,
what deal is it
you want to make?
You're here
for what's in the safe.
Now, how would
you know that?
I can always tell
when a man wants something
that's not on the menu.
I'll give you
the combination
in exchange
for some answers.
You assume
i have any answers.
This world is madness.
I want to know about this.
I've got a couple families
in the homestead
who changed
their itinerary.
They're headed into town.
Should be there
in 20 minutes or so.
The place
is a bloodbath.
Cut these guys off.
Jam their weapons
and send in the cavalry.
Oh, shit.
We'll give them
a night in lockup,
then have one of the
girls at the mariposa
bring them a key
hidden in their breakfast.
If the guests are squared
away, let's wrap it up.
This is a shade.
Sacred native lore.
They make
figures of them.
And what does
the shade do?
You've seen this?
What is it?
The man who walks
between worlds.
They were sent from hell
to oversee our world.
Is this the last thing
you required of me?
Cause we need
a little more time
than the constabulary
will allow.
Sweetheart, if I took that
manner of interest in you,
you'd have no say in how
long we'd need whatsoever.
I thought I was crazy,
but I got shot...
There's no wound.
No, but I was shot.
And this
was standing over me.
And then it was
as if it never happened.
I want you to cut me
right there.
I'm not in the habit of cutting
into defenseless women.
Some big, bad outlaw.
The dreamwalker said there
were some who could see them.
- That it's a blessing from god.
- A blessing?
To see the masters
who pull your strings.
They don't know what
they're talking about.
You'd rather die
lying down or...
Up on your feet?
Go to hell.
Go on, then.
This would be
the first goddamn time
I've had to ask a man to
put his hands on me twice.
Sheriff: Open up,
escaton, or we'll fire.
What does it mean?
That I'm not crazy
after all.
Last chance, escaton!
Come out
or we're shooting!
And that
none of this matters.