Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di E. Coli di The Alchemist e Earl Sweatshirt The Alchemist contenuta nell'album The Alchemist Sandwich. “E. Coli” è una canzone di The Alchemist. E. Coli Lyrics.

TESTO - The Alchemist - E. Coli


TESTO - The Alchemist - E. Coli

You see the songs, they're-
It's what I do
Just write the songs and sing them

Therefore it's pure feeling
It's complete honesty

If you can place the origin of your fear, it will disappear

My thoughts, dreams, plots, and my schemes
That's what's on my mind when I toss in my sleep
My heart like my pen when I jot and it bleed

My cart full of sin, when I shop it's a spree

I got some new leaves
I'm like "What's the word with you, sir?"
You just moss on a tree, I'm not concerned with you

I leave the curb when I'm crossing the street

I'm watching out for the Mark of the Beast
The badge on the policeman, black carpenter pants
A half ounce in 'em, another half ounce in my fleece

And on account of this, go ‘head and count me out of this
I'm out with the breeze

I'm dodging county, it's a thousand degrees
It's back alley shit, my nigga, look

My eyes wide open, I'm sleepy, I'm on a highway
Paul Giamatti, a nigga was sittin' sideways

A bubble and a Skully when traveling through the Tri-state

And trouble play the gun, hear it clap and it make my mind race
Back and forth, I place fourth,
keep your torch
Got your morsels on my plate, motherfucker

I wasn't born, mama snatched me off the motherfucking stork on a Friday

Say that shit to my face

If you listen sometimes, you can, you can get a whole conversation full of people talking
Two bars and a song sometimes
For me, knowledge is everything
Still learning?
I learned my whole life
I learned something last night

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