Devil’s Whorehouse - Misfits - Testo | Testi e Traduzioni


Devil’s Whorehouse

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Devil’s Whorehouse di Misfits contenuta nell'album Ballroom Bloodbath (Live 1983). “Devil’s Whorehouse” è una canzone di Misfits. Devil’s Whorehouse Lyrics.

TESTO - Misfits - Devil’s Whorehouse


TESTO - Misfits - Devil’s Whorehouse

She works at the devil's whorehouse
She loves carnality
In her human pit of love
Entrance into heresy, well

When I sin, I sin real good
When I sin, I sin for sure

Come on up to the devil's whorehouse
Intimate hell of a demon slut, well
Angels take their time in falling
Come alive in the house that screams

When I sin, I sin real good
When I sin, I sin for sure
Come alive in the house that screams
Come alive in the house that screams

This is the devil's whorehouse
Night time for beating backs
Said, this is the devil's whorehouse
Night time for midnight masses

When I sin, I sin real good
When I sin, I sin for sure
Come alive in the house that screams
Come alive in the house that screams

When I sin, I sin real good
When I sin, I sin for sure
When I sin, I sin real good
When I sin, I sin for sure

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