
Call You Mine

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Call You Mine di Daughtry contenuta nell'album Dearly Beloved. “Call You Mine” è una canzone di Daughtry. Call You Mine Lyrics.

TESTO - Daughtry - Call You Mine


TESTO - Daughtry - Call You Mine

Well it may sound crazy
Turn me away, I get it
But in another time
It was you and me

I can tell you where you're going
Tell you where you've been

I can't get enough
Let me tell you
Let me tell you, tell you

We know each other from a different life
The dreams, the memories, I recognize the way you felt
The way you held me up against you

But I can't call you mine
We'll keep on coming till we get it right
This place, we've seen it a million times

I won't forget you, can't remember me without you
But I can't call you mine, yeah
I can't call you mine

I can't ignore the way you looked at me
When I called you by your name

If I could make you see
You'd stop hiding in this way

So come and get me one more time
Tell me the lies I tell myself

Won't you tell me
Won't you tell me, tell me

We know each other from a different life
The dreams, the memories, I recognize the way you felt
The way you held me up against you
But I can't call you mine
We'll keep on coming till we get it right
This place, we've seen it a million times
I won't forget you, can't remember me without you

But I know that I can feel it
Can you feel it?
Cause I can't let go

No I can't walk away
Can you feel it?
I can feel it, yeah
So I won't let go
No, I can't walk away

I'll never walk away
I'll never walk away

We know each other from a different life
The dreams, the memories, I recognize the way you felt
The way you held me up against you
But I can't call you mine
We'll keep on coming till we get it right
This place, we've seen it a million times
I won't forget you, can't remember me without you
But I can't call you mine, yeah
I can't call you mine

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