Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Art-I-Ficial di X-Ray Spex contenuta nell'album Germ Free Adolescents: The Anthology. “Art-I-Ficial” è una canzone di X-Ray Spex. Art-I-Ficial Lyrics.

TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Art-I-Ficial


TESTO - X-Ray Spex - Art-I-Ficial

I know I'm artificial
But don't put the blame on me
I was reared with appliances
In a consumer society
When I put on my make-up
The pretty little mask not me
That's the way a girl should be
In a consumer society
In a consumer society
In a consumer society
My existence is elusive
The kind that is supported
By mechanical resources
My existence is elusive
The kind that is supported
By mechanical resources
I wanna be Instamatic
I wanna be a frozen pea
I wannna be dehydrated
In a consumer society
In a consumer society
In a consumer society
My existence is elusive
The kind that is supported
By mechanical resources
My existence is elusive
The kind that is supported
By mechanical resources
In a consumer society
In a consumer society
I wanna be Instamatic
I wanna be a frozen pea
I wanna be dehydrated
In a consumer society
In a consumer society
In a consumer society
In a consumer society


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