
Aneurysm (Live In Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1991)

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Aneurysm (Live In Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1991) di Nirvana contenuta nell'album Nevermind (30th Anniversary Super Deluxe). “Aneurysm (Live In Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1991)” è una canzone di Nirvana. Aneurysm (Live In Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1991) Lyrics.

TESTO - Nirvana - Aneurysm (Live In Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1991)


TESTO - Nirvana - Aneurysm (Live In Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1991)

Come on over, do the twist, ah-ha
Overdo it and have a fit, ah-ha
Love you so much, it makes me sick, ah-ha
Come on over and do the twist, ah-ha

Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me

Come on over, do the twist, ah-ha
Overdo it and have a fit, ah-ha
Love you so much, it makes me sick, ah-ha
Come on over and do the twist, ah-ha

Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me
Beat me out of me

She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my—

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