
State of the union – xplicit album version

Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di State of the union – xplicit album version di Xzibit . “State of the union – xplicit album version” è una canzone di Xzibit. State of the union – xplicit album version Lyrics.

TESTO - Xzibit - State of the union – xplicit album version


TESTO - Xzibit - State of the union – xplicit album version

And now a message from the President of the United States

Tonight I wanna take a few minutes to dicuss a great threat to peace.The dictator who is assembling the world's most dangerous weapons, is here in our own country.He is a homicidal dictator, who is addict to weapons of mass destruction.He has proven he is capable of any crime.The tyrant is me.I have directed the administration to support the use of violence against all of you.I will kill thousands, or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country and across the world. I um, resolve to bring sudden terror and suffering with horrible poisons, and diseases, and gases.Men and women, boys and girls, thousands of civilians will be killed in a single day, murdered at random, and with out remorse.My ultimate ambitions are to control the peoples of the United States, and to blackmail the rest of the world with weapons of mass terror.Weapons of Mass Destruction


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