Earl Sweatshirt

Shattered Dreams

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Shattered Dreams di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album Some Rap Songs. “Shattered Dreams” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Shattered Dreams Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Shattered Dreams


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Shattered Dreams

Imprecise words

Yeah, chief, get it 'cause we mean it

Ease up, free smokin’, niggas need it

Mask off, mask on, we trick-or-treatin'

Back off, stand-offish and anemic

Yeah, my nigga Ish, told him it's a feelin’

Blast off, buckshot into my ceilin'

Why ain't nobody tell me I was bleedin'?

Please, nobody pinch me out this dream

I said peace to my dirty water drinkers

Psh, nobody tryna get it clean

Why ain't nobody tell me I was sinkin'?

Ain't nobody tell me I could leave

Yeah, we'd win again, seethin’ within

Seen teeth on the floor, leakin’ again

We hold the door, uh

We build the bridge, we hold the courts

Send a cease and desist to your thieves, nigga

Please do abort, I could feel when you're forcin’ it

Still in a bore riddim

Boy, I take the tour chips and go and get some decent decor

Is you gon' ribbit or will you jump?

Get some more ribbons for the born winners from the jump

Niggas don't listen 'til they whole mission was a bust

No sit-up, but it’s crunch time, shootin' in the clutch

The midsummer sunshine found me on my ones, face drippin', uh

Hate swimmin' through your bloodlines

Motherfuck the judge, same goin' to the one time, yeah

Come and take a stroll in the mud

Dip a toe in it, heard the hammer like a grudge

When you holdin' it close, we was on the cusp

It was holes in the boat, we ain't make a fuss

Uh, chosen

Imprecise words

Yeah, chief, get it 'cause we mean it

Ease up, free smokin', niggas need it

Mask off, mask on, we trick-or-treatin'

Back off, stand-offish and anemic

Yeah, my nigga Ish, told him it's a feelin'

Blast off, buckshot into my ceilin'

Why ain't nobody tell me I was bleedin'?

Please, nobody pinch me out this dream

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