Say - Charlie Wilson - Testo | Testi e Traduzioni

Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Say di Charlie Wilson contenuta nell'album Bridging the Gap Remastered. “Say” è una canzone di Charlie Wilson. Say Lyrics.

TESTO - Charlie Wilson - Say


TESTO - Charlie Wilson - Say

It feels good to hear you say

What if my eyes never saw you

What if my path never crossed you

How many times have I told you

Girl I just don't know where I would be, be

What if my lips never kissed yours

And if my soul never missed yours

And what if you never helped me through my storms

Girl I just don't know where I would be

Baby say you'll never leave

You will always stay with me

Don't need to hear it every day

But every now and then's ok

And baby we're just fine but

It feels good to hear you say

What if these arms never held you

And what if my heart never fails you

One million times I will tell you

And girl I just don't know where

I would be, I would be

Baby say you'll never leave

You will always stay with me

Don't need to hear it every day

But every now and then's ok

And baby we're just fine but

It feels good to hear you say

I know you care for me

You're always there for me

But it makes me feel some kind of way

To hear you say

So if you want to say

I won't hesitate

I would say it to you every time you need

Baby say you'll never leave

You will always stay with me

Don't need to hear it every day

But every now and then's ok

And baby we're just fine but

It feels good to hear you say

Baby say you'll never leave

You will always stay with me

Don't need to hear it every day

But every now and then's ok

And baby we're just fine but

It feels good to hear you say


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