Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Red Water di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album Some Rap Songs. “Red Water” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Red Water Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Red Water


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Red Water

Yeah, I know I'm a king

Stock on my shoulder, I was sinkin'

I ain't know that I could leave

Papa called me chief

Gotta keep it brief

Locked and load, I can see you lyin' through your teeth

Fingers on my soul, this is 23

Blood in the water, I was walkin' in my sleep

Blood on my father, I forgot another dream

I was playin' with the magic, hide blessings in my sleeve

Yeah, I know I'm a king, stock on my shoulder, I was sinkin'

I ain't know that I could leave

Papa called me chief

Gotta keep it brief

Locked and load, I can see you lyin' through your teeth

Fingers on my soul, this is 23

Blood in the water, I was walkin' in my sleep

Blood on my father, I forgot another dream

I was playin' with the magic, hide blessings in my sleeve

Yeah, I know I'm a king, stock on my shoulder, I was sinkin'

I ain't know that I could leave

Papa called me chief

Gotta keep it brief

Locked and load, I can see you lyin' through your teeth

Fingers on my soul, this is 23

Blood in the water, I was walkin' in my sleep

Blood on my father, I forgot another dream

I was playin' with the magic, hide blessings in my sleeve

Yeah, I know I'm a king, stock on my shoulder, I was sinkin'

I ain't know that I could leave

Papa called me chief

Gotta keep it brief

Locked and load, I can see you lyin' through your teeth

Fingers on my soul, this is 23

Blood in the water, I was walkin' in my sleep

Blood on my father, I forgot another dream

I was playin' with the magic, hide blessings in my sleeve

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