Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Peanut di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album Some Rap Songs. “Peanut” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Peanut Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Peanut


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Peanut


Ayy, nephew in SA, ayy

Know I'm on the way

Family saw you on the stage, left it not amazed

Thought you'd up and aim? Ayy

Now you done and braised, ayy (Braised, ayy)

Get the fuck back, you moving like they cut your 'caine, ayy

Lick the nut sack, I'm zooted in some tear-aways (Ayy)

Fleshin' through the pain, depression, this is not a phase, ayy

Picking out his grave, couldn't help but feel outta place

Tryna catch some rays, death and hops a sour taste (Sour taste)

Bless my pops, we sent him off and not an hour late

Still in shock and now my heart out somewhere on the range

Outta range, picked the lock and now we elevate

We box 'em out, my shit a million miles away

Niggas featherweight

Like we making food, father's face but I'm not afraid

My Uncle Hugh

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