Earl Sweatshirt


Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Molasses di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album Doris. “Molasses” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Molasses Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Molasses


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Molasses

Search inside my purse to find something worthless

99 problems all gone in that one joint

And that neck gold froze like he held it at gunpoint

I'm a bubble in the belly of the monster

With a duffel full of troubles, trunk rattle in the Mazda

Ragged with the contra, Phantom of the Opera

And I'm standing on the cop's truck, stacking for the long run

The bags packed, roadside with the thumb out

Toe tagged, don't gag,
, spit your gum out

Nomadic, chrome-grabbing when it's danger

I'm a manger-born puppy, holding flight like a hangar do

Knife to the trachea, spit scabies and bet

The label don't like me but they pay me a grip

And you see how his day going by the state of his wrists

Y'all niggas busy Play-Dohing, bet the baker came swinging like

What the fuck you saying? All that aiming and miss

Ayy, I'mma fuck the freckles off your bitch, nigga

I'll fuck the freckles off your face, bitch

We could do this shit all night

I'll fuck the freckles off your face, bitch

You know me, drugs out, front the telly

I'm couch-drunk and ready to fuck, count fetti and bucks

Pack loud as that slap 'cross the belly

What's up? Fuck nigga, what's up? I'm at the deli

Scheming on a Fanta and a Camel Crush screaming "Saddle up!"

Like, "Fuck is beef?" Get your cattle cut, pansy

If them fans only local, why them flights trans-atlantied up?

The rice and the patties cooked nice for the chancellor

Them teeth with the gold bright, the light switches mad at us

Snapchatting panty-clad baddies, I'm a bachelor

I'm high and polite cause po-lice is in back of us

And write with the same hand I smack 'em up with

Stretching out the fifteen I had initially

Icky Thump, sticky kush lit up in a rental Jeep

We could do this shit all night

I'll fuck the freckles off your face, bitch

We could do this shit all night

I'll fuck the freckles off your face, bitch

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